
Keyword: Denmark


Imagined Futures of Sail and Steam: The Role of Community in Envisioning Entrepreneurial Ventures

Morten Tinning

Entrepreneurship is often understood as an individualistic endeavour. This article investigates how cultural communities shape entrepreneurial activity through the process of envisioning competing imagined futures. By deploying a microhistorical approach, it explores a public debate about the transition from sail to steam in a late nineteenth-century Danish maritime community. In the debate, local actors evaluated and negotiated future entrepreneurial actions as embedded in existing norms, interpretations of the past, and socio-technical systems rather than independent, non-conformist ventures. The article demonstrates the potential role of community when we attempt to understand better how entrepreneurs construct and dispute over imagined futures.

Business History / 2024
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At få sjælen med: En narrativ analyse af danske containersøfolks erindringer, fortidsbrug og identitetskonstruktioner

Michael Bennedsen Hansen

Containerfartens historiske udvikling bliver i litteraturen beskrevet som en revolution og en transformation af den internationale shippingbranche. De teknologiske og organisatoriske forandringer af livet til søs som fulgte med containerfarten har tilsvarende medført en forandring af maritime kulturer og en udfordring af de søfarendes identiteter.
Denne afhandling handler om danske containersøfolks erindringer, fortidsbrug og identitetskonstruktioner og undersøger, hvordan søfolkene fortæller sig selv i relation til deres levede erfaringer i containerfarten. Jeg analyserer i afhandlingen søfolkenes retrospektive fortidsfortolkninger som en måde at nærme mig en forståelse af de forandrede sømandsidentiteter.
Analytisk anlægger afhandlingen et subjektperspektiv, som anser fortiden for nærværende og åben i de mundtlige fortællingers fortolkninger og meningsforhandlinger af fortidens erfaringer. Jeg anskuer den narrative konstruktion af den personlige, autobiografiske, historie som identitetsdannende fortidsbrug, der udtrykker fortællerens subjektivitet. Med en erindringshistorisk tilgang til søfolkenes mundtlige fortællinger undersøger jeg, hvordan vi mennesker forstår os selv gennem de historier, vi fortæller om os selv.
Afhandlingen bygger empirisk på en række dybdegående oral history interviews med danske søfolk, der alle har erfaring inden for den internationale containerfart.
I afhandlingens analyser, viser jeg, hvordan søfolkene retfærdiggør og legitimerer deres valg om i første omgang at blive søfolk og senere at arbejde ombord på containerskibe. Jeg viser, hvordan søfolkene narrativt forhandler forskellige former for erfaret meningstab og aktivt tilskriver arbejdet og fællesskabet ombord på skibene en ny og brugbar mening. Jeg viser samtidig, hvordan den personlige historie konstrueres i dialog med kulturelt dominerende forestillinger og fortællinger. Sådanne forestillinger og fortællinger tilbyder den enkelte fortæller et tilgængeligt sprog at udtrykke sine personlige erfaringer i, men kan også virke begrænsende, hvis fortællerens erfaringer og forståelser ikke passer ind i de dominerende billeder. I sådanne tilfælde kan der opstå, hvad afhandlingen kalder en form for narrativt ubehag (discomposure), der kommer til udtryk som frustration og brud i fortællingens narrative sammenhæng.
Som en gennemgående metodisk pointe viser afhandlingen, hvordan interviewets intersubjektivitet er med til at forme den historie, som fortælles. Det personlige møde mellem fortæller og historiker og interviewets kulturelle kontekster indvirker på forskellig vis på den konstruerede historie. Fremfor at hævde en neutral og objektiv interviewsituation, tager afhandlingen i stedet konsekvensen af denne intersubjektivitet og skriver det konkrete møde mellem søfolkene som fortællere og mig som interviewer ind som en integreret del af den historiske fremstilling. Dette er både et narrativt greb og et metodisk valg, der skal sikre transparens ved at give læseren indblik i, hvordan historierne og mine tolkninger er blevet til.
Afhandlingen yder med sin tilgang og sine analyser flere bidrag til den eksisterende litteratur. Gennem de personlige fortællinger får vi større indsigt i søfolkenes levede liv og deres erfaringer med containerfartens historiske udvikling. Afhandlingen giver et menneskeligt perspektiv på historien om den internationale containerfart, der bidrager til vores viden om udviklingens identitetsmæssige betydning for de mænd og kvinder, som gennemlevede de historiske forandringer ude ombord på skibene.
Afhandlingen er en virksomhedshistorie, der tager oral history alvorligt både som forskningsfelt, metode og genre. Afhandlingen bidrager med sin erindringshistoriske tilgang til oral history til den fornyede samtale mellem forskningsfelterne oral history og virksomhedshistorie. Afhandlingen bringer metodiske og teoretiske indsigter fra den erindringshistoriske tradition ind i virksomhedshistorie og viser gennem sin egen narrative stil potentialet i en historieformidling, der sætter subjektivitet og erindring i centrum af sin analyse. Dermed bidrager afhandlingen også til den narrative vending inden for virksomhedshistorie ved ikke kun at anlægge et narrativt blik på de danske søfolks fortællinger men ved også at tage sig selv alvorligt som narrativ konstruktion.

Copenhagen Business School [Phd] / 2024
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Shipping Legitimacy and Identity: The Danish Maritime Museum, 1915 and 2013

Anders Ravn Sørensen

In this article, the author describes how the creation of the Danish maritime museums in 1915 and 2013 – both generously funded by maritime foundations and actors – was perceived by the shipping industry as initiatives that would help market the industry in the eyes of the public. He argues more generally that national maritime museums constitute focal points for disseminating narratives that legitimate maritime activities and establish these activities as symbols of national identities. It is suggested that maritime historians, curators and scholars reflect on the relationship between maritime industry actors and museum exhibition narratives, and consider the interests and capital that potentially underpin museums’ and curators’ decisions.

International Journal of Maritime History / 2023
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The metabolic syndrome among Danish seafarers: a follow-up study

Jepsen, Jørgen Riis; Rasmussen, Hanna Barbara

The metabolic syndrome (MS) represents a cluster of risk factors related to insulin resistance. Metabolic syndrome is a strong risk factor for chronic metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and is related to nutritional factors, sleep patterns, work-related stress, fatigue, and physical activity — all of which are critical issues at sea. We have previously demonstrated a MS prevalence of 24.2% in Danish seafarers. This study aimed to follow the trend of MS after 2 years’ intervention.

Materials and methods:
Out of 524 Danish seafarers (mean age 37.7 years) who underwent medical fit-for-duty examination by seamen’s doctors at baseline, 141 seafarers (mean age 41.3 years) were tracked and re-examined after 2 years. At baseline all participants received general advice regarding lifestyle issues. Seafarers with MS were additionally given specific advice regarding treatment. The seafarers provided questionnaire information about their workplace on board, about treatment of hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, and about previously diagnosed type 2-diabetes. In order to define MS, we collected data about waist circumference, blood pressure, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, and fasting plasma glucose.

Out of 35 (26.5%) seafarers who fulfilled the criteria for MS at follow-up, 18 had MS at baseline while 9 were incident cases. Two seafarers with MS at baseline ceased to qualify for this condition at follow-up. The prevalence of seafarers with MS at follow-up represents a minimal estimate because a proportion could not be assessed due to missing fasting blood tests. Smoking and alcohol consumption was not reduced.

In spite of the intervention, the prevalence of MS increased in this group of seafarers. This study indicates the limitations of individual health promotion and the need for corporate actions.

International Maritime Health, Vol 67 / 2016
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The Two Regimes of Postwar Shipping: Denmark and Norway as Case Studies, 1960–2010

Iversen, Martin Jes; Tenold, Stig

The aim of this article is to illustrate the most important changes in the regulatory framework of the shipping sector from the 1960s to 2010, and to analyse the basis for, and effects of, these changes. In order to explain how the transformation has occurred, we use two traditional maritime nations—Denmark and Norway—as case studies. First, we introduce the two regimes of Danish and Norwegian shipping: ‘the national regime’ from the early 1960s to the mid-1970s; and ‘the competitive regime’, which was fully established by the middle of the 1990s and still persists. Then, we briefly sketch the bargaining that accompanied the shift from the national regime to the competitive regime. Specifically, we show that the new regime primarily accommodated the interests of private actors such as shipping companies, rather than the interests of the authorities and the trade unions.

International Journal of Maritime History, Volume 26 / 2014
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