A multidisciplinary and -national team of Ghanaian and Danish researchers engage in a three year research project financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to address the question how communication, gender, and sustainability affect the cluster performance of the Port of Tema in Ghana. We approach the question from different angles ranging from quantitative survey datat to longitudinal anthropological observations and qualitative multilayered interviews with port workers, politicians, port officials, domestic and foreign investors, and representatives from the surrounding communities.
This report explores key challenges and priorities in safeguarding Europe's critical energy infrastructure against both physical and cyber threats amid rising geopolitical tensions. It follows recent sabotage incidents and the extensive development of new offshore energy infrastructure planned in maritime zones.
Strengthening defenses against the multifaceted threats to Europe's energy system is crucial and the analysis is essential reading for grasping the urgent need for improved security measures and international collaboration to protect the continent's vital energy assets.
This report presents both the quantitative and qualitative results of a study on bullying and harassment in the Danish merchant fleet. The Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs asked the
Danish Maritime Authority to conduct an external study of the extent of bullying and harassment among seafarers on Danish vessels. This task was assigned to the Centre of Maritime Health and Society at the University of Southern Denmark. The Commission for the study (in Danish) may be found on the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs website. The report consists of seven chapters, and only the results are presented, by request from the Danish Maritime Authority. An English “Literature review” is made in a separate annex, with an analysis of other international research studies within the area of bullying and harassment. This has been requested by the Danish Maritime Authority. It is permitted to quote the results in the report on the condition that the University of Southern Denmark and the Centre of Maritime Health and Society is credited as the source.
I december 2019 kommer fiskeriminister Mogens Jensen hjem fra Rådsmøde - de årlige kvoteforhandlinger
for 2020 i Bruxelles - med den besked, at jomfruhummerfiskeriet i Kattegat i fremtiden vil blive underlagt
kameraovervågning for forventeligt at nedbringe bifangst af torsk i dette fiskeri. Torskebestanden i Kattegat
er yderst presset og den generelle kvote er sat til nul. En mindre bifangstkvote på torsk blev således betinget
af denne overvågning, så man kan monitere torskefangsterne og sikre mod et udsmid af mindre torsk i fiskeriet,
en praksis, som myndighederne forudsatte yderligere ville forværre tilstanden i torskebestanden. Denne sidste
kausalsammenhæng er dog tvivlsom.
Torsk er således blevet en ”stop-art” for jomfruhummerfiskeriet og myndighedernes argumentation er, at
alternativet til kameraovervågning er et stop for jomfruhummerfiskeriet i Kattegat, da det ikke kan opretholdes
uden en bifangstkvote af torsk (Bilag 5). Udkommet af forhandlingerne kender vi, men det har ikke været
muligt at få yderligere indblik i selve forhandlingsprocessen; Havde de danske forhandlere alternative
positioner at falde tilbage på? Havde den danske delegation en forventning til reaktionerne i den danske
fiskerisektor? Var forhandlerne indstillet på at lukke jomfruhummerfiskeriet i Kattegat (proportionalitet)? Det
får vi muligvis aldrig indsigt i.
Aarhus University, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, has prepared an overall assessment of the potential environmental impacts from a major release or spill of ammonia in relation to production and transportation of ammonia in a PtX plant or by shipping in Greenland. Three sites were included in the assessment: Kangerlussuaq (Sdr. Strømfjord), Kangerlussuatsiaq (Evighedsfjorden) and Nuup Kangerlua (Godthåbsfjorden). The overall findings shows that a large, worst-case ammonia spill could cause severe toxic damage to organisms during the passage of the ammonia cloud from within a few km to possibly more than 10 km from the source. This could lead to local loss of animal and plant abundance for some years. However, the ammonia will be quickly diluted and degraded and will not be transferred in the food web, and the mortality will not seriously impact plant and animal populations at a regional scale. There could be a fertilising effect of ammonia on the nutrient-poor terrestrial environment lasting for some years.
Denne guide indeholder 8 anbefalinger til, hvordan
den grønne omstilling i Det Blå Danmark kan understøttes. Guiden er baseret på tre forskningsrapporter
fra DPU, Aarhus Universitet udarbejdet med støtte
fra Den Danske Maritime Fond i årene 2019-2022. I
rapporterne kan du læse mere om baggrunden for
anbefalingerne. Ud over anbefalingerne indeholder
guiden også refleksioner fra repræsentanter fra Det
Blå Danmark. Guiden er lavet til dig, der arbejder
med grøn omstilling; uanset om det er som udstyrsproducent, i rederierne, på skibene eller for en offentlig organisation.
I søfart handler den grønne omstilling om en række
nye tekniske løsninger, eksempelvis nye drivmidler
til skibe og nye digitale teknologier. Men den er
mere end det. Den involverer også nye måder at organisere sig på og et nyt ’mindset’, dvs. nye måder
at tænke drift og vækst på. Formålet med den ene
af rapporterne – “Grøn omstilling i det Blå DanmarkVærdier og normer for handling”— var således at
kvalificere arbejdet med den grønne omstilling
ved at kortlægge de ord, som aktørerne i Det Blå
Danmark beskriver den grønne omstilling med, de
nye typer organisering, som omstillingen kalder på,
samt de ofte oversete kulturelle og sociale betingelser, der står i vejen for eller bidrager til den grønne
The cybersecurity landscape is evolving, driven by a reinforcing feedback loop of increasingly sophisticated attacks and defences. Threat actors, long benefitting from the asymmetrical “attacker’s advantage” of focused targeting, have now matured their organizational structures to facilitate tactical information sharing, technique specialization, the establishment of markets for buying and selling exploit and vulnerability information, and providing training on how to circumvent detection and defence systems.
Rapporten præsenterer resultaterne af forskningsprojektet "Værdier og Normer for Grøn Omstilling i Det Blå Danmark", der har undersøgt de kulturelle og sociale betingelser, som medlemmer i branchen oplever enten understøtter eller står i vejen for grøn omstilling i den danske skibsfart og de tilknyttede sektorer og organisationer.
This report is a background report to the MarE-Fuel project financed by the Maritime Fund and the Lauritzen Fund. Partners of the project has been DTU, Anker Invest, Mærsk Line, Copenhagen Economics, OMT and DFDS. In the report, potential decarbonization roadmaps or pathways for the maritime industry are presented, as well as the methodology of deriving them. Different future fuels and their emissions are highlighted. In addition, biomass availability plays an essential role in climate mitigation efforts towards net-zero by 2050, and thus we examined different biomass availability scenarios alongside greenhouse-gas emissions cap scenarios. The assumptions related to the underlying emissions can be found in the first chapter of the report. Besides the underlying emissions for a decarbonized maritime industry, the ship stock and the underlying transport demand play an essential role for a future decarbonized maritime industry. In the second chapter of the report, we address this issue by explaining how ship stock and shipping demand have been incorporated into the model. Finally, we present the optimization ship stock model developed to generate roadmap scenarios. We show the objective function and the underlying constraints of the model. The results of this work are presented and discussed. We also show some sensitivity analysis, which will shed light on the relevant parameters for the futureof the maritime industry. Our main findings can be found in the end of the report.
Rapporter fra flere globale miljøinstitutioner, her
under den internationale science-policy platform
om biodiversitet og økosystemtjenester (herefter
IPBES), understreger behovet for genopretning af
økosystemer (1,2). Den seneste globale IPBES-rap
port fra maj 2019 peger således på, at forringelser
af økosystemer på land og i havet underminerer
livsgrundlaget for 3,2 milliarder mennesker. Gen
opretning bliver fremhævet som en af de vigtig
ste handlemuligheder for effektivt at begrænse
tabet af biodiversitet og forbedre livsgrundlaget
for os mennesker ved at imødegå forringelser for
en række økosystemtjenester. Det nuværende årti
2021-2030 er af UNEP udpeget til årtiet for genop
retning med det formål at genetablere ødelagte
eller forarmede økosystemer verden over.
IPBES rapporterne dokumenterer, at biodiversi
tetskrisen er en altomfattende og global udfor
dring, og at krisen er på linje med klimakrisen. De
tiltagende klimaændringer er ligeledes en af ho
vedårsagerne til tab af biodiversitet (2). Der er af
hensyn til begge kriser behov for, at der beskyttes
og genetableres velfungerende og uforstyrrede
økosystemer. Der bør derfor ske en national ud
møntning af resultaterne fra de internationale aftaler baseret på den bedst tilgængelige viden.