About us

About Maritime Research Alliance

Maritime Research Alliance was established in 2020 as a non-profit network organization that works to further the collaboration between maritime researchers at the Danish Universities and Maritime Academies and other maritime stakeholders.

Specifically, Maritime Research Alliance works to:

(1) coordinate maritime research and education at the Danish Universities and Maritime Academies.

(2) facilitate collaboration between maritime researchers and other stakeholders (the business community, legislators, students, media, NGO’s, and researchers).

(3) make Danish maritime research and education visible in Denmark and abroad.

Maritime Research Alliance connects the maritime centres and maritime researchers from 12 Danish research institutions:

o Copenhagen Business School (CBS Maritime)
o Danish Institute for International Studies
o IT University
o M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark
o Roskilde University (Center for Maritim og Marin Forskning)
o Technical University of Denmark (Maritime DTU)
o University of Southern Denmark (Blue SDU)
o University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen Ocean Hub)
o Aarhus University
o Aalborg University (Center for Logistics)

Maritime Research Alliance is co-funded by the Danish Maritime Fund and D/S Orients Fund.