Technical University of Denmark

Technical University of Denmark

DTU is represented in Maritime Research Alliance by Maritime DTU which coordinates the maritime research and educational activities at DTU

Maritime DTU

Maritime DTU coordinates the maritime activities at DTU including research, education, innovation and research based public sector consultancy in the maritime field.

The centre furthermore acts as DTU’s contact to the maritime industry and work to increase cooperation with other leading universities within the maritime field. Both with regard to education and research.
The centre will maintain the current maritime educational activities and continuously create and develop attractive educations and courses across DTU. At the same time the centre will increase the visibility and marketing of the educations toward the students and in that way attract more engineering students to the maritime courses and educations. The centre will also act to increase the contact and collaboration between the students and the industry through student projects and thereby make the education more attractive for the students and the graduates more attractive and employable for the industry.
Maritime DTU will function as a platform for new collaboration agreements with other leading universities regarding education and research within the maritime area. The center gives excellent opportunities for attracting well-regarded guest professors and PhD students from leading universities and research scenes.