
Media: Report


Creating Circular Economy Clusters for Sustainable Ship Recycling in Denmark

Henrik Sornn-Friese, Eva Roth, Petar Sofev, Brooks Kaiser, Knud Sinding, Hanna Vagsheyg, Andrea Eikås, Hedda Høivik, Kevin Langhorst, Frederik Trudsøe Larsen, Tobias Olsen, Mathias Dyrhol Paulsen, Bent Lange, Frank Stuer-Lauridsen
CBS Maritime / 2021
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Defining Sustainability Criteria for Marine Fuels: Fifteen Issues, Principles and Criteria for Zero and Low Carbon Fuels for Shipping

Andreea Miu, Henrik Sornn-Friese, Ching Yi Chun, Elizabeth Petit González, Andrew Stephens, Rebecca Waterton
Sustainable Shipping Initiative / 2021
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Genopretning af marin biodiversitet og bæredygtig anvendelse af havets resurser: Ekspertudtalelse

Jørgen Bendtsen, Paula Canal-Vergés, Lars Dinesen*, Jørgen L.S. Hansen, Marianne Holmer, Brooks Kaiser, Dennis Lisbjerg, Brian R. MacKenzie, Stiig Markager, Therese Nissen, Ib Krag Petersen, Jens Kjerulf Petersen, Katherine Richardson, Eva Roth, Josianne Gatt Støttrup, Peter Anton Stæhr, Jon Christian Svendsen, Thomas Kirk Sørensen, Mary S. Wisz, Jørgen Bendtsen

Rapporter fra flere globale miljøinstitutioner, her
under den internationale science-policy platform
om biodiversitet og økosystemtjenester (herefter
IPBES), understreger behovet for genopretning af
økosystemer (1,2). Den seneste globale IPBES-rap
port fra maj 2019 peger således på, at forringelser
af økosystemer på land og i havet underminerer
livsgrundlaget for 3,2 milliarder mennesker. Gen
opretning bliver fremhævet som en af de vigtig
ste handlemuligheder for effektivt at begrænse
tabet af biodiversitet og forbedre livsgrundlaget
for os mennesker ved at imødegå forringelser for
en række økosystemtjenester. Det nuværende årti
2021-2030 er af UNEP udpeget til årtiet for genop
retning med det formål at genetablere ødelagte
eller forarmede økosystemer verden over.
IPBES rapporterne dokumenterer, at biodiversi
tetskrisen er en altomfattende og global udfor
dring, og at krisen er på linje med klimakrisen. De
tiltagende klimaændringer er ligeledes en af ho
vedårsagerne til tab af biodiversitet (2). Der er af
hensyn til begge kriser behov for, at der beskyttes
og genetableres velfungerende og uforstyrrede
økosystemer. Der bør derfor ske en national ud
møntning af resultaterne fra de internationale aftaler baseret på den bedst tilgængelige viden.

IPBES / 2021
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Creating circular economy clusters for sustainable ship recycling in Denmark

Henrik Sornn-Friese, Eva Roth, Petar Sofev, Brooks Kaiser, Knud Sinding, Hanna Vagsheyg, Andrea Eikås, Hedda Høivik, Kevin Langhorst, Frederik Trudsøe Larsen, Tobias Olsen, Mathias Dyrhol Paulsen, Bent Lange, Frank Stuer Lauridsen
CBS Maritime / 2021
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Grønne Brændstoffer i Det Blå Danmark

Feilberg, Karen Louise; Andersen, Simon Ivar; Madsen, Henrik; Østergaard, Jacob; You, Shi; Frandsen, Henrik Lund; Jensen, Jens Oluf; Kibsgaard, Jakob; Riisager, Anders; Jensen, Anker Degn

Det Blå Danmark har en ambition om at være et internationalt foregangsland for klimavenlig skibsfart. Omstillingen til en mere bæredygtig skibsfart er dog en stor udfordring, der vil kræve betydelige investeringer i både ny teknologi, skibe og energiinfrastruktur og en systemisk tilgang til samarbejde på tværs af sektorer og mulige aftagere af grønne brændstoffer. Med denne rapport præsenterer DTU resultatet af et arbejde i at kortlægge forskningsmulighederne for Grønne Brændstoffer i det Blå Danmark. Arbejdet har afdækket, at der er behov for forskning på tværs af systemer og over hele værdikæden. Kortlægningen er lavet med viden fra DTU forskere samt input fra industrien og brancheorganisationerne.

Rapporten præsenterer en kortlægning af udfordringer forskningsbehov og rammebetingelser, som kan medvirke til at understøtte potentialet for grønne brændstoffer i det Blå Danmark. Kortlægningen er afrundet med anbefalinger til forskningsbehov inden for udvalgte områder samt uddannelse og test- og demonstrationsprojekter. Det er vores håb, at rapporten kan være med til at sikre det Blå Danmark en plads helt fremme i førerfeltet inden for bæredygtig skibsfart i mange år endnu.

/ 2021
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Åben Innovation i Det Blå Danmark. På trods af DNA og NDA

Jakob Krause-Jensen, Bettina Skårup
Aarhus Universitet / 2020
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Maritime industry processes in the Baltic Sea Region: Synthesis of eco-inefficiencies and the potential of digital technologies for solving them

Elisa Aro, Niels Gorm Maly Rytter, Teemu Itälinna

ECOPRODIGI (2017-2020) is an Interreg Baltic Sea Region flagship project, which links research organisations, enterprises, associations and business support organisations. Altogether, 21 partners jointly investigate the most critical eco-inefficiencies in maritime processes in the Baltic Sea Region as well as develop and pilot digital solutions for improving the eco-efficiency by focusing on three specific cases: 1) digital performance monitoring of vessels, 2) cargo stowage optimisation at ports and 3) process optimisation at shipyards. Furthermore, looking towards the future, the project partners, on one hand, create a digitalisation roadmap and training modules for future decision makers in the maritime industry but also reach out to policymakers to engage them in discussion regarding how they can support the digital change. This report provides an overview of the project and main findings achieved to date, describes the main eco-inefficiencies identified and presents the potential of digital technologies and new concepts for improving them. Also, as the current digital transformation relates to the way how changes are managed in organisations, this report presents the main challenges and requirements identified in the process of moving towards more digitalised business operations. Finally, the last section looks at the maritime sector from a broader perspective and provides some ideas about the most likely future developments. The main findings of the project so far indicate that major improvements in eco-efficiency can be carried out in the maritime industry. They can be summarised as follows: 1) In the first case, ‘digital performance monitoring’, the project partners estimate, for instance, that fuel consumption and emissions can potentially be reduced by 2-20% based on data and analysis from distinct ship segments, routes and their baseline situations. The reductions are possible to achieve by taking such actions as capitalising on the latest digital technologies, utilising and analysing real-time operational data and vessel performance, anticipating operating conditions and maintenance of the ship and its components, changing working methods and improving practices as well as placing a focus on the training of personnel. 2) In the second case, ‘cargo stowage optimisation’ the project partners identified a set of eco-efficiency bottlenecks in the cargo stowage processes at ports that can be subject to improvement. The use of advanced digital technologies can contribute to more efficient utilisation of vessels and terminal operations. The port stays can be reduced, and, thereby, vessels can sail more slowly and reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Moreover, when stability calculations improve due to further digitalisation of cargo unit data, the ship can be loaded more optimally and the amount of ballast water can potentially be decreased without compromising safety, which again reduces fuel consumption on the sea leg. It is estimated that fuel consumption and emissions can potentially be reduced by 2-10% per route and ship and that additional benefits can be gained on the landside due to future digital decision support tools applied for the end-to-end stowage process. In addition, improved cargo unit pick up time estimates can be provided to customers waiting for the cargo to be handled at port, whereby the service improves. 3) In the third case, ‘process optimisation at shipyards’, improved situational awareness and process management, including the use of new technologies, such as 3D and solutions for managing the complex supply chain, have potential for improving the shipyard processes aimed at increased eco-efficiency. For example, in block building phase 3D technology reduces lead-time and potentially saves hundreds of man-hours in rework due to the fact that more efficient processes and proactive actions are enabled.

ECOPRODIGI Project / 2020
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DMA-DTU project on Market Based Measures (MBMs)

Psaraftis, Harilaos N.; Zis, Thalis; Lagouvardou, Sotiria

This report is in the context of the DMA-DTU project on Market Based Measures (MBMs) The aim of this project is to provide an overview and discussion of potential Market Based Measures under the Initial IMO Strategy for the reduction of green house gas (GHG) emissions from ships. In this context, some related developments are also seen as directly relevant to the scope of the project, mainly in the context of the possible inclusion of shipping into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). In 2010 an Expert Group was appointed by the IMO’s Secretary General after solicitation of member states and was tasked to evaluate as many as eleven (11) separate MBM proposals, submitted by various member states and other organizations. All MBM proposals described programs and procedures that would target GHG reductions through either ‘in-sector’ emissions reductions from shipping, or ‘out-of-sector’ reductions via the collection of funds to be used for mitigation activities in other sectors that would contribute towards global reduction of GHG emissions.

/ 2020
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Robotten/Teknologien som ‘kollega’

Krause-Jensen, Jakob; Hansen, Stephan; Jöhncke, Steffen

Projektet gennemfører en antropologisk analyse af forholdet mellem a) smarte teknologier (fx automation, smarte algoritmer eller drone- og vision-teknologier) b) fagpersoner ombord ifm. navigation) c) fagpersoner og beslutningstagere i rederiorganisation (som bestillere af ny teknologi) og d) udviklervirksomhederne (som designere af fremtidens løsninger) for at afklare, hvilke ikke-tekniske aspekter, der skal tages højde for og hvilke nye samarbejdsformer, der er behov for, og hvordan disse understøttes organisatorisk, når nærmeste ’kollega’ for fagpersonerne ombord bliver en robot eller en automatiseret teknologi. Fokus i projektet vil være på, hvordan samarbejdet mellem medarbejder/leder og robot/drone/teknologi skal/kan organiseres, samt hvordan de nye typer ’kolleger’ vil påvirke organiseringen af samarbejdet.

/ 2020
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Offshore Energy Hubs

Spaniol, Matt

This report provides an assessment on the prospects for offshore energy hubs. Four use cases have been developed and evaluated by respondents in a survey instrument for their forecasted time horizon to implementation and their business potential as opportunities for the maritime and offshore
industries. The report is produced by the PERISCOPE Group at Aarhus University for the PERISCOPE network.

Periscope Report / 2020
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