
Media: Book


Slow Steaming in Maritime Transportation: Fundamentals, Trade-offs, and Decision Models

Psaraftis , Harilaos N.; Kontovas, Christos A.

Slow steaming is being practised in many sectors of the shipping industry. It is induced principally by depressed shipping markets and/or high fuel prices. In recent years the environmental dimension of slow steaming has also become important, as ship emissions are directly proportional to fuel burned. The purpose of this chapter is to examine the practice of slow steaming from various angles. In that context, a taxonomy of models is presented, some fundamentals are outlined, the main trade-offs are analysed, and some decision models are presented. Some examples are finally presented so as to highlight the main issues that are at play.

Book chapter in in Chung-Yee Lee and Qiang Meng (eds.), “Handbook of Ocean Container Transportation Logistics”, / 2015
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The Role of National Shipping Policy: A Scandinavian Perspective on Shipping Policies in a Global Economy

Iversen, Martin Jes; Poulsen, René Taudal; Sornn-Friese, Henrik; Tenold, Stig
Book chapter in A. Chircop, S. Coffen-Smout, & M. L. McConnell (Eds.), Ocean Yearbook 29 / 2015
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