In this video, Professor Christian Schlette (SDU Robotics) talks about the IFD-funded project ShipWeldFlow, where they develop novel digital analysis and optimization tools to support the workflow of robotic welding in shipbuilding operations. They use Digital Twins to address the needs of two companies, Odense Maritime Technology and Inrotech, by the joint development of the required digital tools to innovate the central workflow in modern steel ship production. Based on the Digital Twins, we aim for tackling the essential questions of how shipyard investments in robotic welding solutions can increase efficiency and reduce costs of producing a given ship design, how ship redesigns can lead to material and waste reduction, and how robotic welding solutions can be improved to yield better welding performance for customer-specific ship designs. The session was developed in collaboration with MARLOG.
The report is organized as follows. The introduction will lay out the current state-of-play of eco-efficiency and the zeitgeist of the current situation on maritime that we find ourselves in, in 2020. The next section will provide some historical context looking back to 2010 and 2000 to trace the trajectory and developmental course that we are on. The core contribution of this report is the Shipyard 4.0 Roadmap, that can be found in Figure 1 on page 9. This illustration plots the expectations for technological capabilities and policy from 2020 to 2030. The descriptions of the elements of the roadmap are provided in Appendix 1.
This paper analyzes what happens to redundant skills and workers when large companies close down and whether their skills are destroyed or reallocated. The analysis is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative data of the closure of four companies. Getting a job in a skill-related industry or moving to a spinoff firm leads to skill reallocation. Thus, the result depends on regional idiosyncrasies such as industry structure and urbanization. If local policy makers and the owners exert a coordinated effort, it is possible to create success stories of less skill destruction in urban as well as peripheral regions.
Med inspiration i Schumpeters teorier om kreativ destruktion undersøger denne artikel centrale aspekter af omstillingerne i dansk erhvervsliv i forbindelse med 1980'ernes og 1990'ernes fire største danske værftslukninger. Det drejer sig om B&W i 1980, Nakskov Skibsværft i 1986, Aalborg Værft i 1987-88 og endelig Danyard Frederikshavn, der lukkede i 1999. Artiklen identificerer 27 spin-off virksomheder, som videreførte forskellige aktiviteter fra de lukkede værfter, og følger deres udvikling frem til 2013. Artiklen dokumenterer, at gruppen af spinn-off virksomheder i årene omkring 2013 havde en omsætning svarende til de gamle værfters omkring 1975. Mens nogle spin-offs ophørte efter få år, formåede de tilbageværende 12 virksomheder at generere langt højere overskud end de værfter, de opstod fra. Artiklen kaster dermed nyt lys på centrale omstillings- og fornyelsesprocesser i dansk erhvervsliv igennem de sidste tre årtier.
This article analyzes the competitive strategies of Odense Steel Shipyard between 1918 and 2012 and challenges existing scholarship on competition in global industries. Until the 1980s, the yard adopted typical strategies in shipbuilding, starting with cost leadership and subsequently adopting global segmentation and differentiation strategies. From the mid-1980s, however, it successfully followed a unique national responsiveness strategy, which scholars including Dong Sung Cho and Michael E. Porter had ruled out in shipbuilding. The article shows how shipyard owners shaped strategies and influenced competitiveness.
This book explores the transformation of Danish shipbuilding from 1975-2015. Specifically it expores the closure of B&W Shipyard in 1980, Nakskov Shipyard in 1986, Aalborg Shipyard in 1987-88, Burmeister and Wain Shipyard in 1996 and Danyard Frederikshavn in 1999. The author identifies 27 firms that were spun out during the closure of five Danish shipyards and finds that several of these firms were able to apply the inherent resources in new activities with more value added. The book also finds that the competencies of the redundant workers from the four shipyards were useful in other parts of the Danish labor market. The book sheds new light how internal and external factors influence the transformation of mature industries.