
Keyword: maritime industry


Impact of endogenous learning curves on maritime transition pathways

Sebastian Franz*, Rasmus Bramstoft

The maritime industry is a crucial hard-to-abate sector that is expected to depend on high-energy density renewable liquid fuels in the future. Traditionally, decarbonization pathways have been assessed assuming exogenous cost trajectories for renewable liquid fuels based on an exogenous learning curve. While past studies have looked at the impact of endogenizing learning curves for a specific technology utilizing linear approximation, a fully endogenous direct non-linear implementation of learning curves in a detailed sectoral model (maritime industry) that explores dynamics concerning sensitive parameters does not yet exist. Here, we apply an open-source optimization model for decarbonizing the maritime industry and further develop the model by encompassing a nonconvex mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming approach to analyze the impact of endogenized learning curves for renewable fuel costs following an experience curve approach. We find that global greenhouse gas emissions are significantly lower (up to 25% over a 30 year horizon) when utilizing endogenously modeled prices for renewable fuels compared to commonly used exogenous learning frameworks. Furthermore, we find that conventional modeling approaches overestimate the cost of climate mitigation, which can have significant policy implication related to carbon pricing and fuel efficiency requirements. In a broader context, this emphasizes the potential opportunities that can be achieved if policymakers and companies accelerate investments that drive down the costs of renewable technologies efficiently and thus trigger endogenous experience-based learning in real life.

Environmental Research Letters / 2024
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MarE-Fuel: ROADMAP for sustainable maritime fuels

Sebastian Marco Franz, Sara Shapiro-Bengtsen, Nicolas Jean Bernard Campion, Martijn Backer, Marie Münster

This report is a background report to the MarE-Fuel project financed by the Maritime Fund and the Lauritzen Fund. Partners of the project has been DTU, Anker Invest, Mærsk Line, Copenhagen Economics, OMT and DFDS. In the report, potential decarbonization roadmaps or pathways for the maritime industry are presented, as well as the methodology of deriving them. Different future fuels and their emissions are highlighted. In addition, biomass availability plays an essential role in climate mitigation efforts towards net-zero by 2050, and thus we examined different biomass availability scenarios alongside greenhouse-gas emissions cap scenarios. The assumptions related to the underlying emissions can be found in the first chapter of the report. Besides the underlying emissions for a decarbonized maritime industry, the ship stock and the underlying transport demand play an essential role for a future decarbonized maritime industry. In the second chapter of the report, we address this issue by explaining how ship stock and shipping demand have been incorporated into the model. Finally, we present the optimization ship stock model developed to generate roadmap scenarios. We show the objective function and the underlying constraints of the model. The results of this work are presented and discussed. We also show some sensitivity analysis, which will shed light on the relevant parameters for the futureof the maritime industry. Our main findings can be found in the end of the report.

Technical University of Denmark / 2021
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Maritime Industry 2030 : A Summary of Discussions with Industry on Joint Challenges and Opportunities.

Sornn-Friese, Henrik; Arndt, Dominik

“The Maritime Industry 2030” was the kick-off conference for the Maritime Research Alliance (MRA), which was recently established in cooperation between seven Danish universities and two Danish maritime professional academies. This report summarizes the discussions at the conference and broader important maritime industry issues as well as presents the goals of MRA.

There have been several calls from private foundations, industry associations and governmental agencies to map out and to extensively coordinate cross-disciplinary maritime research in Denmark. MRA is an initiative that strengthens existing and creates new collaborative relationships across the universities and maritime academies, in part as a response to such calls. The most important aims of MRA are to:

1. Find solutions to those challenges to the maritime sector that require cross-disciplinary ventures
2. Create a critical mass of expertise in Denmark for maritime and related topics
3. Be a visible and viable one-point-of-contact to academic involvement and output for the industry
4. Attract attention nationally and internationally for Danish maritime research and education
5. Make Danish universities and maritime academies attractive partners for international cooperation on maritime and related projects

About the conference-report:
The “Maritime Industry 2030” conference was an international and joint researcher/practitioner event held at the Copenhagen Business School during 5-6 February 2018.
The first day of the conference was an open event organized with the aim of bringing industry and academia together to identify and discuss the most important issues facing the maritime industry in the near term towards 2030 and to lay a firm foundation for closer cross-disciplinary collaboration for addressing these issues.
The second day of the conference was a closed event for MRA members organized with the aim to reflect on the identified issues, determine the future focus and direction of MRA and initiate specific collaborative research projects.

The conference was kindly supported by the Danish Maritime Fund. In 2020 the fund supported the establishment of the Maritime Research Alliance based on, among other, future cross-disciplinary research themes and ideas that were identified at the conference.

CBS Maritime / 2021
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Road to Shipyard 4.0: The state of play, a brief history of maritime developments, and a future roadmap Focusing on the Baltic Sea and Shipyards

Spaniol, Matt; Lappalainen, Otto; Ehlers, Valdemar; Karvonen, Taipo; Karlsson, Jussi; Nåfors, Daniel; Piiroinen, Aki; Sutnikas, Andrius; Valtanen, Juha

The report is organized as follows. The introduction will lay out the current state-of-play of eco-efficiency and the zeitgeist of the current situation on maritime that we find ourselves in, in 2020. The next section will provide some historical context looking back to 2010 and 2000 to trace the trajectory and developmental course that we are on. The core contribution of this report is the Shipyard 4.0 Roadmap, that can be found in Figure 1 on page 9. This illustration plots the expectations for technological capabilities and policy from 2020 to 2030. The descriptions of the elements of the roadmap are provided in Appendix 1.

Ecoprodigi Report / 2020
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