
Keyword: maintenance

Autonomous Ships from the Perspective of Operation and Maintenance

Stig Eriksen

Autonomous ships have been a hot topic in maritime transport research in the past years. However, there are still many unanswered questions regarding what defines an autonomous ship and the potential and limitations of implementing and operating these. In this video, Stig Eriksen from SDU/SIMAC explore these topics.

The video is developed in collaboration with MARLOG.

October / 2021
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Autonomous Ships from the Perspective of Operation and Maintenance

Eriksen, Stig

This PhD theis focuses on identifying the opportunities and challenges that on-board maintenance and practical operation of vessels poses in the development of autonomous ships. Inspired by the rapid development of autonomous vehicles considerable effort and interest is now invested in the development of autonomous ships. So far however, most of the research has focused on the legal aspect of unmanned vessels and on developing a system enabling a vessel to operate within the maritime collision regulation without human interaction. Specifically, the theisi looks into three research questions: (1) How is autonomous technology going to affect the workload required for operating and maintaining modern cargo vessels? (2) How is autonomous technology going to affect the operational patterns of the vessels? And (3) How is autonomous technology going to affect the reliability and utilization rate of the vessels?

The study is planned in cooperation between Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC) and University of Southern Denmark.

Syddansk Universitet, Teknisk fakultet / 2021
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Drones on ships

Spaniol, Matt

This report provides a current assessment on the prospects for aerial drone applications onboard ships. Three use cases are each forecasted to their time to implementation and evaluated as an opportunity for the maritime and offshore industries. The report's findings are based on respondents' answers to surveys about the three use cases. The data for this report is based on desk research and an analysis of survey responses. The report is produced by the PERISCOPE network.

Periscope Report / 2020
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Smart inspection and maintenance: Aerial drones

Spaniol, Matt

This report provides a summary on the prospects for aerial drone applications for the smart inspection and maintenance for maritime and offshore industries. The report's findings are based on respondents' answers to surveys and focuses on when aerial drones will come into smart maintenance operations and their business potential. The report is produced by the PERISCOPE Group at Aarhus University for the PERISCOPE network.

Periscope Report / 2020
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