Background: Autonomous ships have the potential to increase operational efficiency and reduce carbon footprints through technology and innovation. However, there is no comprehensive literature review of all the different types of papers related to autonomous ships, especially with regard to their integration with ports. This paper takes a systematic review approach to extract and summarize the main topics related to autonomous ships in the fields of container shipping and port management. Methods: A machine learning method is used to extract the main topics from more than 2000 journal publications indexed in WoS and Scopus. Results: The research findings highlight key issues related to technology, cybersecurity, data governance, regulations, and legal frameworks, providing a different perspective compared to human manual reviews of papers. Conclusions: Our search results confirm several recommendations. First, from a technological perspective, it is advised to increase support for the research and development of autonomous underwater vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles, establish safety standards, mandate testing of wave model evaluation systems, and promote international standardization. Second, from a cyber–physical systems perspective, efforts should be made to strengthen logistics and supply chains for autonomous ships, establish data governance protocols, enforce strict control over IoT device data, and strengthen cybersecurity measures. Third, from an environmental perspective, measures should be implemented to address the environmental impact of autonomous ships. This can be achieved by promoting international agreements from a global societal standpoint and clarifying the legal framework regarding liability in the event of accidents.
Harbour vessel emissions are growing concerns in the maritime industry regarding environmental sustainability. Accurate emissions prediction can stand in monitoring and addressing the issue. This study proposes a machine-learning approach using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for predicting harbour vessel emissions. The approach shows superiority over the bottom-up method introduced by the 4th IMO GHG Study regarding prediction accuracy. Actual emissions data from onboard measurements are used for training ANN models and as references for evaluating the methods. Compared to the bottom-up method, the improvement in error reduction can be up to 30% for predicting nitrogen oxides and 54% for carbon monoxide when only using ship-related factors as input variables. By adding selected meteorological factors in the experiments, the prediction accuracy enhancement can achieve up to 48% for nitrogen oxides and 62% for carbon monoxide. The proposed ANN approach could assist relevant stakeholders in improving emissions prediction and operations optimisation.
This paper presents an assessment of three methods used for sea state estimation via the wave buoy analogy, where measured ship responses are processed. The three methods all rely on Machine Learning exclusively but they have different output; Method 1 provides bulk parameters, Method 2 yields a point wave spectrum and the wave direction, while Method 3 gives the directional wave spectrum in non-parametric form. The assessment is made using full-scale data from an in-service container ship in cross-Atlantic service. Training and testing of the methods are made using data from a wave radar, and the three methods perform well. An uncertainty measure, equivalently, a trust level indicator, based on the variation between the post-processed outputs of the methods is proposed, and this facilitates determination of estimates with small errors; without knowing the ground truth.
The real-time provision of high-quality estimates of the ocean wave parameters at appropriate spatial resolutions are essential for the sustainable operations of marine structures. Machine learning affords considerable opportunity for providing additional value from sensor networks, fusing metocean data collected by various platforms. Exploiting the ship-as-a-wave-buoy concept, this article proposes the integration of vessel-based observations into a wave-nowcasting framework. Surrogate models are trained using a high-fidelity physics-based nearshore wave model to learn the spatial correlations between grid points within a computational domain. The performance of these different models are evaluated in a case study to assess how well wave parameters estimated through the spectral analysis of ship motions can perform as inputs to the surrogate system, to replace or complement traditional wave buoy measurements. The benchmark study identifies the advantages and limitations inherent in the methodology incorporating ship-based wave estimates to improve the reliability and availability of regional sea state information.
Maintaining the condition of a vessel and its equipment guarantees the scheduled completion of voyages and the safety of the crew.
This paper presents condition monitoring techniques for early detection of faults related to piston rings in remote cylinders of two-stroke marine diesel engines. Operational sensor data from the main engine of a container ship are provided by a shipping company.
A graphical approach complimented by correlation heatmaps and feature importance from gradient boosting trees are used for feature selection. Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and Extreme Gradient Boosting Trees are tested for residual generation from the nominal behavior.
The residual time series gives a good indication of the degradation of the system and can be used for alarm raising under strict rules. It is proven that the proposed method could alert the engine crew of a change in the condition of the piston rings much earlier than existing methods.
Digital Twins have much attention in the shipping industry, attempting to support all phases of a vessel’s life cycle. With several tools appearing in Digital Twin software suites, high-quality manoeuvring and performance prediction remain cornerstones. Propulsion efficiency is in focus while in service. Simulator-based training is in focus to ensure safety of manoeuvring in confined waters and harbours. Prediction of ships’ velocity and turn rate are essential for correct look and feel during training, but phenomena like dynamic inflow to propellers, bank and shallow water effects limit simulators’ accuracy, and master mariners often comment that simulations could be in better agreement with actual behaviours of their vessel. This paper focuses on digital twin enhancements to better match reality. Using data logged during in-service operation, we first consider a system identification perspective, employing a first-principles model structure. Showing that a complete firstprinciples model is not identifiable under the excitation met in service, we employ a Recurrent Neural Network to predict deviations between measured velocities and the model output. The outcome is a hybrid of a first-principles model with a machine learning generic approximator add-on. The paper demonstrates significant improvements in prediction accuracy of both in-harbour manoeuvring and shallow water passage conditions.