
Keyword: Cooperative game theory


The multi-port berth allocation problem with speed optimization: Exact methods and a cooperative game analysis

Bernardo Martin-Iradi, Dario Pacino, Stefan Ropke

We consider a variant of the berth allocation problem-i.e., the multi-port berth allocation problem-aimed at assigning berthing times and positions to vessels in container terminals. This variant involves optimizing vessel travel speeds between multiple ports, thereby exploiting the potentials of a collaboration between carriers (shipping lines) and terminal operators. Using a graph representation of the problem, we reformulate an existing mixed-integer problem into a generalized set partitioning problem, in which each variable refers to a sequence of feasible berths in the ports that the vessel visits. By integrating column generation and cut separation in a branch-and-cut-and-price procedure, our proposed method is able to outperform commercial solvers in a set of benchmark instances and adapt better to larger instances. In addition, we apply cooperative game theory methods to efficiently distribute the savings resulting from a potential collaboration and show that both carriers and terminal operators would benefit from collaborating.

Transportation Science / 2022
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