
Keyword: aviation


Modelling decarbonization of the maritime and aviation sectors

Sebastian Marco Franz

Global climate change, which is largely attributed to human activity, is one of the foremost challenges of the 21st century. In recent times, there have been notable alterations in the Earth's climate, resulting in profound impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity. These alterations are caused by greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Greenhouse gas emissions are caused by practices such as deforestation, industrial operations, and the combustion of fossil fuels in vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and manufacturing facilities. The maritime and aviation industry is currently responsible for approximately 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Due to logistical and economic constraints, these industries are heavily reliant on liquid fuels, making direct electrification options unavailable for large parts of these sectors. As a result, these sectors are considered ‘hard to abate’. Understanding the future climate mitigation challenges associated with the maritime and aviation sectors is crucial in shaping effective policy measures, avoiding stranded assets, and preserving the chance to meet Paris Agreement-compatible emission reduction pathways.

This thesis identifies three main challenges and proposes modelling approaches to address them when modelling decarbonization pathways for the aviation and maritime sectors. From these challenges, research gaps have been identified that this PhD thesis aims to fill. Three models have been developed for the thesis: a maritime optimization model, a maritime demand model, and an aviation demand model. The modelling landscape and methodology vary across models, ranging from econometrics and data science to mathematical optimization.

To overcome the challenges and fill in the research gaps, three corresponding modelling approaches have been successfully applied:

1. Developing a holistic decarbonization modelling landscape. This includes life-cycle representations of technology costs and emissions, the upscaling of bottleneck technologies, the availability of sustainable biomass, and consideration of competing demand from other industries, as well as representations of policy levers such as carbon pricing or improvements to fuel efficiency.

2. Developing demand models that interpret the underlying scenario narrative consistently (SSP framework).

3. Improving the representation of technological learning for low-carbon technologies in energy system models.

The findings acquired by applying these three modelling approaches are valuable for energy modellers, climate scientists, and policymakers and offer unique insights into the inherent system dynamics associated with decarbonization of hard-to-abate sectors. Utilizing this modelling landscape reveals that current decarbonization efforts for hard-to-abate sectors are insufficient.

Technical University of Denmark / 2024
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